Carry The Skull

What is “Carry the Skull”?

You already have a skull and a heart… how you use them is up to you.  Carry the Skull reminds us to try and make a little more of a positive impact each day, appreciate and cherish life more, and to give more.

Giving the Skull to someone.

If you have been given a skull it means that someone who carries the skull has witnessed you making a positive difference in the world and felt compelled to give you a skull as a token of thanks because they respect and admire your actions or character.

What “Carry the Skull” means.  

The exact meaning is different for everyone because we each have our own truths and purpose… There is no right meaning, but, carrying the skull normally starts with these fundamental ideas.

The Heart- Using our hearts in a positive way.  We carry the skull because we have made a commitment to give a little more than we normally would each day.  Sometimes we’ll make mistakes along the way and that’s okay.  We carry the skull as a reminder to forgive ourselves and keep trying.  It’s not a commitment to be positive or perfect all the time.  It’s not even about giving everything you have every day, it’s more about just choosing to give a little more than we normally would each day with the goal of making little ripples that positively affect others.  Imagine the effect of more people just doing a little more good each day.  If more people just smiled at someone they wouldn’t have, used technology in a way that bettered mankind, decided to pay one thing forward, or made time to help one person, or just made it a point to give back a little more today; the ripple effect would be amazing.

The Skull- is a symbol that reminds us to give a little more today, because tomorrow is not promised… Not in a morbid or grotesque, we’re all gonna die, sort of way… More just that we’re alive today and thankful for the opportunities to create a little positive change today. The skull is a reminder to make a little more time each day to enjoy life.  It’s a reminder to focus on the journey not so much the destination.  It’s a reminder to make time to enjoy our families, or to make time to watch a beautiful sunset, or to make time to enjoy a conversation with someone.  There are many opportunities to enjoy life each day and the skull is a reminder to respect your mortality and to make time to enjoy more of those moments and cherish life.

Carrying the Skull.

Anyone can carry the skull.  Just like every person on the planet has a skull, any person of any race or religion are welcome to carry the skull. The people who carry the skull are all different and we all have different beliefs and no one carrying one is expected to be perfect or even close to it. If people who carry the skull start thinking that they are better than others because of it, or that others beliefs are wrong because of it, we would rather that it didn’t exist.  The one thing that commonly unites us is the fact that we desire to do more good in this world, want to enjoy life more, and are willing to commit to constantly trying.